About ConPix About Anime Cons

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About ConPix

Pictures of anime conventions, with emphasis on cosplay.  Also, pictures of other anime-fan-related events.


Each page that points to pictures credits the photographer for those pictures.

Many pictures on this site (currently including all pictures of AnimeExpo, ShoujoCon, Sugoi Con, and fan activities) were taken by me, the webmaster, Clyde Adams III, aka Memnon or Clydesan.  I renounce copyright for my pictures; but if you use them, I would appreciate it if (a) you tell me and (b) you include a link to

Many pictures on this site (currently including all pictures of Animazement, Anime Central, and Anime Weekend Atlanta) were taken by the Scumbag, and are used here with his permission.


2009-03-12: News flash: I am not dead, I just play dead on (part of) the web. My most active site is not ConPix, but New York City Anime.

I have posted some new photos, from Katsucon 2009 and AnimeNEXT 2008, on Flickr, and I have posted the links on the main ConPix page.

I will be posting more, for cons and events I have actually attended and photographed, and whose photos I have not yet lost. These will include the New York Anime Festival for 2007 and 2008, and the New York Comic Con for 2008, as well as older cons listed below.

2005-12-20 FYI: I still need to post my Sugoi Con 2004, Anime Expo 2004, and Anime Expo 2005 pictures.  I could not attend Sugoi Con 2005.

2004-08-26 FYI: I now plan to post my Anime Expo 2004 pictures no later than Monday, 2004-09-06.

2003-11-22–25 Sugoi Con 2003 pictures up.
Unfinished business: I have not posted the AnimeExpo 2001 or Sakura Matsuri Brooklyn 2001 pictures because I misplaced them in the aftermath of my move in June, 2001.  If and when I find them, I will post them.

2003-07-xx Anime Expo 2003, Anime Expo 2002, Sugoi Con 2001, and Anime Weekend Atlanta 2001 pictures up.

2002-06-04 Reconstruction complete!  All the previous picture galleries are up.  New pictures will be added very soon, including pictures of AnimeExpo 2001 and Sugoi Con 2001.

2002-06-02 Still under reconstruction; I am restoring the old picture galleries piecemeal.